Monday, January 4, 2010

What are the duties or responsibilities of sales person?

It is vary depending upon the nature of the business.
Sales person should have all the knowledge about the product so that he may communicate with the customers.
Sale person should sell the products with persuasion and it is the responsibility of sales person to satisfy the customers while they are looking for the products.
Sales person should also handle and maintain the cash.
Sales person should always:
• Greet the customers
• Help identifying their requirements
• Promote products
• Manage to answer customers' questions regarding the products
• Able to negotiate the price on the spot
• Know how to arrange the merchandise properly
• Good in supervising the ordering from the supplies.

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Empower Your Customer With Bad News
I wasted 10 minutes on a day when I was already behind at my local McDonald’s. When I finally got to the point where I could order, I was informed that they were accepting cash only. I had no cash.
It would have been so nice if they had stuck a sign on any of the trash cans, newspaper boxes, etc that said “Only accepting cash, sorry for the inconvienience, we are working on it.” They didn’t, and allowed me to waste my time in line. Thanks Ronald.
Don’t be afraid to tell your customer news they may not want to hear. My favorite example is the Cable person. They say “I’ll be there between 9 and 4.” You hope they arrive at 9:30, but you ist and wait and wait till 2:30 when they show up. You can’t get upset because they are in the alloted time. Wouldn’t it have been better if instead of saying “between 9 and 4″ they said, “We can’t get their until at least 2 o’clock.” While you would be dissapointed, you could do something with your morning instead of sit and wait for the cable installer.
Empower your customer, and allow them to make informed decisions.

Saturday, January 2, 2010

The duties and responsibilities of a sales person

Here are through the experience, duties and task that should be practice by Sales Person in providing customer service

Assist the customers in selecting products
- Answer their queries about the products or the store in general
- Keep a check of inventory
- Sales of goods
- Report to the Store In charge
- Maximize sales and profitability of the store.
- Maintaining store standards by keeping it clean
- Be ready at all time
Most of all, always smile and don't choose customer's since thier apperaence not mean what they are but their purchase are what we wanted.

Friday, January 1, 2010

The action that sometime will confuse the employer interpretation of their employee customer service level upon attending customer's.

Detail of Tips to Successfull Sales Person

1- Focus on Clients
True, you are representing your company, but, your focus should be on the client. It is the client who is going to make sure you stay on the job. Try and get to know the clients as much as possible. They have to taken care of, monitored and pampered. Ask them questions related to your service. Also, ask them suggestions as to how you can improve your service. Implement their suggestions if you feel it is going to make your service better. Show them, that you are implementing their suggestions. You will be rewarded by their loyalty. They will come back to you even if you shift jobs. Clients will remain loyal to you if they know that you care.

2- The Right Attitude
Don’t enter this field unless you enjoy doing it. Unless you enjoy what you do it is hard to be productive. Love your work and you will find ways to be creative. If you are passionate about your work it will show. Excitement for your work will have an impact on your clients as well. Enthusiasm is infectious. If you are enthusiastic about your product, the client will feel that you are not just making a sales talk but, that there is really something worthwhile in your product. You should show the same attitude when attending sales training and sales coaching classes.

3- Set a Goal
Sales training is all about setting a goal or target and achieving. Most often than not companies will set a target for you which you will have to achieve in some period. It might be a year, a month or a week. Whatever they set is important but more important is your goal. So, if they set a target you can set a higher target for yourself. If they give you monthly targets split it into weeks and days. So, you know what your goal is for the week. Set full throttle and speed ahead towards the goal. But, one thing is clear, setting your own goal is very important. There is something very exciting about achieving a goal one has set for oneself.

4 – Select your Clients Carefully
A long term two way relationship with a client is always better than a one way street. Your relationship with your client should be mutually beneficial to you and your client. So, select clients who will stay with you for a long time. The advantage of having such clients is that they will refer your business to others. So, with referrals along your way you can increase your business. Now, convert these referrals to the same sort of relationship that you have with your other clients. Sometimes the opposite can also happen. You can meet prospective clients who can turn out to be just that – prospective. Asking the right questions can make you understand whether they want to buy or your products or they are just fishing around. Sales coaching and sales training courses also emphasize on this.

5 – Follow Up
All too often sales people forget about their customers once they have the order in their hand. It is important to keep customers happy for long term benefits. Follow up is very important. If you have a follow up offer, even better. Make it related to the original offer. It might sound difficult, after making one sale is not easy and then a follow up. But, it can be done and should be done. If you have done your research properly then you will know your clients tastes, hobbies, favorite sport etc. So, it is up to you to come up with special offers for your clients depending on their individual tastes.

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Top 5 Tips of the Most Successful Sales People

Learning from others experiences and mistakes is always a good idea. And for a sales perso, the right way to learn is from some of the most successful sales people. Sometime, sales training and sales coaching classes could bring in successful people to give a talk to the new batch of sales people.(Might be to expensive to participate) But, if you haven’t got a chance to hear these people talk then, not to worry here are the 5 tips from the most successful sales people.

1- Focus on Clients

2- The Right Attitude

3- Set a Goal

4 – Select your Clients Carefully

5 – Follow Up

Will brief further next posting-can’t think what to brief right now

Monday, December 28, 2009

10 Characteristics of Successful Salespeople

What separates successful sales people from everyone else? I believe that most successful sales people, in virtually any industry, possess the following characteristics:
1. They are persistent. Selling or running a business for a living requires a tremendous amount of persistence. Obstacles loom in front of us on a regular basis. But it’s what you do when faced with these barriers that will determine your level of success. I believe it was Brian Tracy who once said that a person will face the most challenging obstacle just before they achieve their goal. The most successful people in any industry have learned to face the obstacles that get in their way. They look for new solutions. They are tenacious. They refuse to give up.
2. Successful sales people are avid goal setters. They know what they want to accomplish and they plan their approach. They make sure their goals are specific, motivational, achievable yet challenging, relevant to their personal situation, and time-framed. They visualize their target, determine how they will achieve their goal, and take action on a daily basis.
3. Great sales people ask quality questions. The best sales people ask their clients and prospects plenty of quality questions to fully determine their situation and buying needs. They know that the most effective way to present their product or service is to uncover their customer's goals, objectives, concerns and hesitations. This allows them to effectively discuss the features and benefits of their product and service that most relate to each customer.

4. Successful sales people listen. Most sales people will ask a question then give their customer the answer, or continue to talk afterwards instead of waiting for their response. Great sales people know that customers will tell them everything they need to know if given the right opportunity. They ask questions and listen carefully to the responses, often taking notes and summarizing their understanding of the customers' comments. They have learned that silence is golden.
5. Successful sales people are passionate. They love their company and they exude this pride when talking about their products and services. The more passionate you are about your career, the greater the chance you will succeed. The reason for this is simple—when you love what you do you are going to put more effort into your work. When you are passionate about the products or services you sell, your enthusiasm will shine brightly in every conversation. If you aren’t genuinely excited about selling your particular product or service, give serious consideration to making a change. You are not doing yourself, your company or your customers any favors by continuing to represent something you can’t get excited about.
6. Successful sales people are enthusiastic. They are always in a positive mood - even during difficult times - and their enthusiasm is contagious. They seldom talk poorly of the company or the business. When faced with unpleasant or negative situations, they choose to focus on the positive elements instead of allowing themselves to be dragged down.
7. Successful sales people take responsibility for their results. They do not blame internal problems, the economy, tough competitors, or anything else if they fail to meet their sales quotas. They know that their actions alone will determine their results and they do what is necessary.
8. Successful sales people work hard. Most people want to be successful but they aren’t prepared to work hard to achieve it. Sales superstars don’ t wait for business to come to them; they go after it. They usually start work earlier than their coworkers and stay later than everyone else. They make more calls, prospect more consistently, talk to more people, and give more sales presentations than their coworkers.
9. Successful sales people keep in touch with their clients. They know that constant contact helps keep clients so they use a variety of approaches to accomplish this. They send thank-you, birthday, and anniversary cards. They make phone calls and schedule regular ‘keep in touch’ breakfast and lunch meetings. They send articles of value to their customers and send an email newsletter. They are constantly on the lookout for new and creative ways to keep their name in their customers’ minds.
10. Successful sales people show value. Today’s business world is more competitive than ever before and most sales people think that price is the only motivating buying factor. Successful sales people recognize that price is a factor in every sale but it is seldom the primary reason someone chooses a particular product or supplier. They know that a well-informed buyer will usually base much of her decision on the value proposition presented by the sales person. They know how to create this value with each customer, prospect, or buyer they encounter.
We all have what it takes to become successful. Are you ready to make it happen?
© 2005 Kelley Robertson, all rights reserved.